Currently there are a lot of mp4 and m3u8 video resources in our webpage, we know that we can directly download the mp4 video resources in the page th
这里分享的脚本为第三方作者开发,如果您发现脚本存在恶意或侵权,请联系作者及时删除,谢谢。详细请参考这里 自从4.1.0版本开始,X浏览器针对油猴脚本的兼容性做了很多的优化,其中就包括兼容最近比较受欢迎的一个支持ChatGPT油猴脚本,chatGPT tools Plus(修改版)。 该脚本集成了除了
The previous version supported screen casting through a plugin with a screencasting extension, which used a third-party vendor SDK to complete the cas
XBrowser does not have a built-in QR code scanning feature like most browser applications, and the authors believe that in 80% of cases users do not n
XBrowser has a built-in default downloader. For the sake of simplicity, the authors only provide the http download function, and also the browser’s do
border-radius:3px; box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.15) 0 0 8px;background:#FBFBFB;border:1px solid #ddd;margin:10px auto;margin-left: 15px;padding:5px; “X” is
The author receives a lot of feedback emails every day, because of the limited energy can not guarantee to answer every user’s email. If you have a qu
Strong blocking mode is an innovative blocking strategy done by XBrowser in the early days, its advantage is simple and efficient, this article to int